Practical method for beginners to learn singing and vocalization

1. Stir up sound

Is that after the completion of inspiration, the chest remains motionless, the vocal cords first close naturally, and then, the vocal cords are hit with appropriate breath to vibrate and sound, so that the sound produced is strong and powerful. We often use it in vocal training, such as stops and jumps, and also use this method to correct the problems of vocal cord leakage. At this time, the corresponding breathing method often adopts urgent inhalation and exhalation.

2, soft sound

Soft sound is when the vocal cords begin to close, the breath is sent out at the same time. The glottis is opened and the breath vibrates the vocal cords at the same time. The impact of the breath of this method is softer than that of the “excitation sound”, and the sound is relatively smooth and smooth. Our voice training is often used in the practice of connecting sounds and long sounds, but also with the “soft sound” pronunciation method to correct the problems of laryngeal sounds, and the corresponding breathing method often adopts slow inhalation and slow breathing method.

3, Shu sound

Relaxation is the opening of the glottis, followed by the vibration of the vocal cords by the breath. It is characterized by the exhalation followed by vocalization, like sighing. This method of sounding is often used in work songs. In the hair tone practice, this method can be used to correct the voice is too stiff, in the popular singing method used more, more colloquial. In a word, the starting of singing should first be full of spirit, the whole body coordination, according to different types of voice practice examples to determine the starting method, pay attention to the starting volume is not too strong, comfortable MF or MP volume is appropriate.

The GENERAL STARTING POINT OF THE introduction OF vocal training is from the vocal cords, the starting point of Western traditional singing is to “put down the larynx” first, popular singing generally does not need to go through this “special” stage. The starting point of pop singing is to “make the vocal cords vibrate immediately.” The FUNDAMENTAL difference BETWEEN IT AND TRADITIONAL VOCAL MUSIC in the sound effect is that the “pitch” of Western traditional singing method is covered by “resonance”, while the “pitch” of popular singing method is completely “exposed”. Although the traditional singing method is based on the natural basis of speaking, everyone’s speaking habits are not the same. Some people speak rough, some flirtatious, and some don’t even use “real voice”.

So what does pop music mean by the state of “speaking”? It SHOULD refer TO THE “lowest pitch” position when speaking AT ordinary times, feeling as if the mouth is long under the throat to speak. This does not mean the “voice box down” required in traditional singing. The latter is pronounced in a much lower laryngeal position than the “down” laryngeal position in popular singing. Many of you who have studied vocal music may know “vocal bubbles”. But the goal is to relax the vocal chords. In fact, the goal is just the opposite. Vocal bubbles are the perfect starting point for the vocal chords to get active. (It also happens to sound a lot like a motorcycle.) As an introduction to pop singing, Bubble Wrap is ideal. Because it’s the lowest pitch.

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But how does this bubble sound “transition” into singing? Before touching this problem must first understand the most essential vocal characteristics of popular singing — contraction of vocal cords.

As mentioned above, the overall shape of the vocal cords is like the lips. The principle of singing and pronunciation is like the lips of the flute or the horn. It requires the lips to contract. But the vocal cords can’t be seen or touched, so what’s the use of just knowing how they work? Human beings are intelligent. The famous Spanish vocalist Garcia invented the laryngoscope. He discovered that the best singing state of the vocal cords is the moment before coughing, which provided a specific method for singing lovers. And note that the sound produced in this way is no longer real sound. It should be said that this voice is neither true voice, nor falsetto, is a kind of independent voice (traditional singing method called it “mixed voice”), but also has the function of “welding” the true falsetto, so it reveals the secret of singing – why some people are not born with the phenomenon of “changing voice”; Some people are born not afraid of high notes.

It is not easy to capture the moment before coughing like a camera.

Through trial and error, it was found that it was easier to “catch” the movement by delivering Hm directly at the front of the vocal cords. Thus, a gradual transition to this “Hm in front of the vocal cords” with a starting “vocal bubble” has proved to be a desirable and effective way of getting started. The Hm note can be practiced with scales or in the manner of “playing the siren”, or the latter can be used to get the feeling first and then to make it musical with scales.

When this Hm is practiced to the natural limit of human voice (female voice to #C, male voice to #F, compared with the traditional vocal voice change point, the female voice difference is almost an octave, female voice change point is higher in popular singing. Boys are the same) must be artificially improved compression consciousness of vocal cords, is also introduced the relevant of felling of that “experience” that Lottie, people is equal to the flute, trumpet, to a certain height, the contraction of the lips must consciously strengthen that (the consciousness of the vocal cord compression must be more “forward”, it is very important!) At this time may be associated with self-awareness as if there is a feeling of “room rate”, don’t be afraid of is practiced words rushed past, this time the voice often make people feel and sing in the original acoustic area is not unified, even doubt the accuracy of the sound, actually don’t have to, instead should be glad, because you have to find the secret of “sing”.

The next step is to move from the “closed” Hm to the “open” Hm, from the open Hm to the E or O vowel, and then gradually expand to the other three vowels, E, AH, and AW. The whole process must always adhere to this principle – the compression of the vocal cords. The specific requirement is to compress the sound into a “point”. In order to maintain the premise that the vocal cords vibrate, this point cannot leave the core position of the anterior closing end of the vocal cords for a very long time. How, then, to account for the completion of this basic skill? The analogy of grinding iron ruler into a needle is certainly exaggerated, but if the “gathering sound” in front of the vocal cords is practiced to be as small as the tip of a needle, it will achieve excellent kung fu. There was always a thin gossamer thread running through the sound, like the tungsten filament in the old light bulb. The light filament, visually thousands of times thicker than the original, is still as thin as a hair. The principle of singing is the same. Although the sound source is as thin as gossamer, the sound can be controlled as easily as the light. Do not understand the thickness of the light as the thickness of the filament itself.

Many do not know the reason of the singer is the most easy to enter the misunderstanding “one is desperately” to expand the vocal fold vibration area “to amplify the volume, the result is not the treble more do not go up is to sing bad voice do not know why. In the Western traditional singing training, this method is also called closed – – concentration. The aim is to maximize the penetration of the sound through the compression of the vocal cords and the impedance of the breath, resulting in a strong “brightness”. In pop music, this turn-off – and – focus approach has been shown to produce the best results with the interplay of microphone acoustics. Although pop singing doesn’t require too much volume or the metallic sound effects of traditional singing, it does require “concentration.” In the “texture” of the “three senses” required by popular singing, only when the sound is compressed into a “point” like the tip of a needle, can the listener feel “magnetic”.

Learn to sing

The star with foundation even when singing weak voice or gas sound, still side dimly feel its “quality”. The test of the foundation of the traditional singing method is mainly measured by the sound quality when singing half-tone and weak tone (PP). In the era without electric acoustic amplification, a singer with real method can still send his voice to every corner of the theater, no matter how weak he sings. This is the true kung fu. Although THE POPULAR singing method HAS THE ELECTROacoustic amplification, BUT does not concentrate the sound, the effect is than but the sound of the concentration, the smaller the sound of the idea, the quality is better than the sound effect of the idea. Lu Xun said: “Comparison is the most effective way to prevent cheating.” Northwest wind singing volume dynamics are very big, but the vitality is not strong, where is the reason? It is in the volume is large, but the sound is not focused on this shortcoming. Whitney Houston, Maria. Carey and Celine Dion are always appreciated when they hit high notes with power. The reason why this high-pitched sound is so impressive is that they use the switch-one – focus method.

Many admirers thought that the difference between European and American singers and Asian singers was caused by the different national constitution. They were completely wrong! That’s why the approach is different. Filipino singer Regin is an example of Asians mastering European and American singing. The POPULAR SINGING METHOD THAT THIS BOOK INTRODUCES AND PRAISES PRAISES, IT IS WITH Europe AND America THIS ONE ADVANCED SINGING METHOD IS MODEL, THIS KIND OF MODE IS WITH CLOSE FROM BEGINNING TO END — CONCENTRATE FOR THE CORE OF PRONUNCIATION. Regardless of gender, regardless of music format. In terms of physiological function, in addition to the low voice area, the middle and high voice area should use the “stop vocal cords” (or called compressed vocal cords) as the basis of vocalization to sing, that is, always to sing with true and true mixed sound.

This kind of style, at the beginning of the training will be sung by self-consciousness “continuous” leaves twisted sense, especially in the high, ears especially not accustomed to, this is very normal, also is the inevitable process, which is specially cited above palmer laval Lottie that feel “voice”, “the purpose of the room rate”, “ugly” and so on, is not equal to others it doesn’t sound. This is also called “sensory misunderstanding”. As Europeans and Americans, their singing style has become natural. As foreigners who consciously learn this singing style, they have to go through a kind of conscious singing training before it becomes a habit. Black Americans have the advantage of talent in basketball, boxing, singing and so on. Tchaikovsky said that the Italian called the small seller has the voice of a singer.

For foreigners, even after three or five years in a professional institution, it is not always possible to learn. There are so many pop singers who can sing well in America. If you want to be prominent, you must have distinct original characteristics; Just like the traditional singer in Italy to be recognized as a singer the same situation. On the other hand, if foreigners want to sing Peking Opera well, they have to start from the right. “The naturalness of language” and “the naturalness of singing” also exist in the field of popular singing, which is a means to establish new singing habits.

The introduction to pronunciation described above is a shortcut for people who are not accustomed to incorrect pronunciation. It may not be useful for some people who have problems with pronunciation in one way or another. For example, when the throat is very tight in singing, or when singing high notes, there is false vocal cord compression vocal cord, the effect is not expected. The special place of singing training is that the different vocal habits of the singers are too big, so there is no “omnipotent” prescription. Many people have to “correct” their pronunciation before they can enter regular training.

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