2 thoughts on “Is the gold bracelet I bought? Is the laser mark fake?”

  1. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer a lot of gold and silver jewelry manufacturers are used for laser lettering, and there are a little lightly engraved, no groovesnAsk the golden bracelet I bought for only ten days and it was gone for more than ten days.nIs this fakenHow do I confirm that the bracelet is true?nAnswer If the style is hollow, the word is printed at the spring of the connection, and it should not be not available. Generally, it is represented by letters. If you are still not assured, you can go to the sellern1. Color discrimination method: Observe with the eyes, it looks white, shiny, thin, and prints on the jewelry. It is a high -quality silver jewelry; jewelry. 2. Bending method: Lightly fold the silver jewelry with your hands, easy to bend the color; the stiff and barely folding color is low; Folding lightly, and easy to break the fake. 3. Throwing method: Throw the silver jewelry from top to bottom on the table. The bouncing jewels with low bouncing and steady sound are high -colored silver jewelry; Or low -colored silver jewelry. 4. Nitric acid identification method: Use glass rod to drip nitric acid at the mouth of the silver jewelry, which is brown rice and slightly green. It has a dark green and black color.nAsk the seller said that this is normal for the laser printing, but I always feel very entangled. What should I do?nAnswer the steel printing of laser printing is not engraved. Sometimes, as the wearing time increases, it is not clear that slowly wear. So don't worry, dear.nAsk me how to confirm this situation? Ask for guidancenAnswer Hello, dear, it is normal like you are talking about this situation. Laser marks will become lighter over time. If you are still not assured, you can use the way I give you to detect it. If you Still not rest assured, you can find a professional agency to identify it. I hope my answer can help you [Happy]nIs the professional institution a gold shop? Still burning with fire?nAnswer yes, dear, Golden Store can help you identify authenticitynMore 10nBleak

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