5173 Is the screenshot of the guarantee transaction useful, can it be fake? The screenshot key behind F12 will record videos?

2 thoughts on “5173 Is the screenshot of the guarantee transaction useful, can it be fake? The screenshot key behind F12 will record videos?”

  1. Hello! In order to avoid transaction disputes, you must take a screenshot when trading, and combine the entire video recording function of the video recording of the DNF game.
    The video method: When preparing the transaction, please press the second key on the right side of the F12 to turn on the video function. After the transaction is over, press it again to turn off the video function (you can be in: the latest version of the underground city and the Warriors Find the directory in the Video folder of the VideoDNF root directory)

    now 5173 has used this recording method. Basically, the DNF game coins I traded were recorded with this. There seems to be no problem. You can also try this.

  2. The transaction is divided into guarantee transactions and consignment transactions. Online game virtual items selling transactions refers to the temporary existence of the seller's game account with goods. The seller goes online to cooperate with the transaction. "Insurance" refers to the guarantee transaction. The seller only needs to publish the guarantee information on our website. There is no need to put the items on our 5173. During the transaction, the seller transferred the goods directly to the buyer and conducted a screenshot of the transaction.

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